What is a Nashville exclusion barrier?

Exclusion barriers come in different shapes and forms depending on where they are located. The simple exclusion barrier can be as little as a plastic fence on stakes across a paddock, but most exclusion barriers are ones that put on homes, they are usually put around the inside of the roof to prevent Nashville animals gaining access to the roof or the attic or the other main kind is the steel mesh buried around the base of a deck or patio to prevent animals that like to live under structures from gaining access. There are all kinds of exclusion barriers from excluding critters from getting underneath your house to exclusion barriers that are designed to prevent large sharks from entering an estuary.

So as you can imagine exclusion barriers come in all different shapes and sizes but the ones you're most likely to be seeing other kind of get used around your own house of which there are virtually three kinds. The first kind is the type that is used inside the house, usually inside the roof or attic and is heavy gauge but quite small steel mesh, this barrier needs to be put in by a professional to ensure that not even the smallest space is missed. Miss even a half-inch space and the critters will get back in again, the ones that won't fit through that size hole will just enlarge the hole until they can get through.

The second most used kind of exclusion barrier around homes is used around structures such as decks and patios, it again involves small diameter mesh but this has to be the stainless steel variety which is much more expensive than ordinary steel, it has to be stainless steel because it is going to be used outdoors and being exposed to the weather it has to be weatherproof. This type of exclusion barrier is dug into the ground all around the structure you are trying to exclude pests from, depending on the critters in your local area will determine how deep you have to bury the mesh to make it effective, you cannot scrimp on this as the barrier must be deep enough to exclude all digging pests that reside in your local area.

The final kind of exclusion barrier is one that you're going to use around your gardens and to maybe protect your boundary fences from pests, it can be anything from stainless steel mesh buried around the fences to prevent Tennessee critters digging their way in or it could be as simple as a plastic fence around your vegetable garden to exclude small Nashville critters.

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